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Many people may not realize that automobile locksmiths are able to handle car ignition repair and replace services. As part of their skilled training, they know the workings of locks, keys, and how they interact with other working features of a vehicle. They not only understand a lock and tumbler, but they are skilled in having knowledge of a complete understanding of what the key’s function is in the full picture of operating a vehicle. A mobile car locksmith is also prepared to work in an emergency situation to get you back on the road to safety in as little time as is needed.
Your car’s ignition is what starts your engine. Problems with car ignitions are a common reason to call upon the services of a qualified locksmith. An expert technician will know how to deal with many kinds of ignition repair or replace issues at a more affordable price than a car dealership will charge.
When Your Car Doesn’t Start: First check to make sure the battery is working well, that the fuel line is not damaged, and that the starter solenoid is functioning properly. If none of these is the problem, chances are that it is the ignition, and a qualified locksmith will know what to do to help. A couple of parts of the ignition that may be the problem are The switch and The coil. A faulty ignition switch can cause several problems such as stalls, lights going dark, radio not turning on without wiggling the key. A trained technician from Millennium Locksmith will be able to quickly spot the problem and take steps to remedy the issues.
Repairing and replacing the ignition switch requires disassembling the steering column and disconnecting the airbag. The process involves keeping track of coding wires and screws and is best performed by a qualified locksmith technician!
Another part of the ignition repair may involve the ignition coil. Symptoms of a bad ignition coil include misfires, poor fuel consumption, loss of power.
The coil is a compact electrical transformer that boosts the 12-volt current from the battery into the high voltage needed to start the vehicle. Usually, the car has one ignition coil for each spark plug and is installed together as a coil pack to eliminate the need for spark plug wires.
Pinpointing the problem and making sure you are getting the proper parts needed is a skill in and of itself that is best handled by a professional and skilled technician. Unless you know what you are doing, the entire repair can quickly become a nightmare if you try to do it yourself.
Our ignition services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all makes and models of vehicles. Our professional car locksmiths also offer the most affordable rates on ignition repair and ignition replacement services. When you need car ignition repair and ignition replacement services, do not hesitate to call a professional from Millennium Locksmith – A name you can trust who will come to you to get your car started and running again.